Yesterday, they decided...The AP ran a wire story about how screwed-up my local school board was...
The truth and the tragedy are on the flip... First some background. I'm a graduating senior from a highly respected public school in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA. My school is one of only 7 public schools in the nation to offer all levels of the International Baccalaureate program. If you are unfamiliar with it
here but generally its a Geneva-based (locally administered) program designed to develop critical thinking, global awareness, and internationally standardized educational experience.
So as you might expect with that "Marxist" and "against Judeo-Christain Values" program (And yes my newly-elected members of my PUBLIC School board said those things), the wingnuts would get upset...but here's the rub...
The 5 members of the 9 person board called for an "infomational meeting on IB" two Mondays ago, and at the conclusion of what all involved thought was simply a time to posit criticsm of the program, ended in refering it to the board to vote on "abolishing it"
And yesterday, in front of an fire-hazard sized crowd in my school's theater they did just that.
First here is some press reports to validate what I'm saying from Right and Left wing sources (thats how far out of the Reality and Fact based community these 5 are)
Upper St. Clair school board kills International Baccalaureate programControversy Over USC School Program Continues
Now, when some 1000-1300 people show up and 45-55 people speak all asking for more time to make the decision (as per the board's regulations) including the ONE person who claimed that all of us had been "victumized by the good ol'American spin machine [...] the same one that attacked two nominees for the Supreme Court"
All of us wanted them to at least consider the fact that I, possibly, and several of my older friends who sought the Diploma have recieved 2nd semester Freshman or even Sophomore status just from having the diploma before abadoning it and affecting 750 kids (who arent graduating this year and do not apply to the convlutedly-worded grandfather clause they put forth!!!
I love my state (commonwealth technically) but I cannot stand when first Dover and now my hometown are being hijacked by people so radical that a town that before last November hadn't elected a Democrat since 1947 opposes you!!! I'm a Dem in a town where the divide is 60% (R) 30%(D) and 10% other so where do these 5 come off rejecting a policy they never said they'd cut
Only two weeks ago, adopted a "Political Activities Policy" in retaliation of Juniors canvassing and poll-observing on Election day against this slate of canidates in fear that this cutting of the Gem of my School being cut (they recanted btw under threat from suit by the ACLU)!!!
I'll wrap it up, because I dont know how many Kossacks will read this...but if anyone is interested please...I don't know where else to go...It may not affect me directly but this is my hometown...and Wingers that far out of the mainstream are attacking the sanctity of Public education and ITS WRONG!!!
Here's the site for the opposition, I don't think it has been updated since the most Anti-democratic 5-4 descion since Bush v. Gore was decided but here
Thank you...I just keep telling myself "Don't Mourn, Organize!!!" but I'd like some support...we all would...